Our Service Areas
We work with clients in the Energy, Oil and Gas Industry, Financial Industry, Telecomm & ICT, SMEs as well as Government Agencies. Our teams are made up of consultants with wide experience in these markets.
Delivering qualitative services to our clients, using best in time technologies, innovation and quality staff
Archival and Document Management Solution
Hi-Tech offers a full range of secure Document Scanning and Management Services.
From one-time large volume projects to ongoing enterprise wide solutions for document management, Hi-Tech's end-to-end document imaging service enables you to convert, distribute and archive your paper based records.
We provide all of the services you need including document pickup, preparation, scanning, indexing and output. And if you don't want your paper back, we can also provide secure off-site storage and shredding.
Hi-Tech provide these services to Government Ministries, Institutions, Special Agencies and Corporate Organisations.
Our consultants have Sorted, Scanned, and Processed over 20,000,000 documents for various organisations in Nigeria.
We usually sign privacy agreement with our clients and we treat all documents with utmost confidentiality.
We leverage on our expertise to undertake building and road construction projects.
We have building projects at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital Ituku-Ozala in Enugu State. Our sister company Cinnamon Quarries runs an ultra-modern quarry in Abakiliki, which complements our construction services.
Engineering Services
Hi-Tech provides the various engineering and connectivity solutions in association with world class partners:
Power Optimization Solutions
We provide power Optimization solution which is used to monitor your Fuel/Diesel/Oil Tank, Genset run time and battery efficiency. This Solution can monitor all your tanks scattered across the country simultaneously
It is easy to install – plug and use solution. The solution would provide you swiftly with the following information which can be used for planning and decision making:
- Give a clear overview of energy consumption on site
- Provide full and constant visibility on fuel stocks,
- Fuel level real time monitoring,
- Prevent fuel siphoning and abnormal drops,
- Prevent risks of fuel stock shortage, and then risk of power outage,
- Plan out fuel supply chain and lower fuel over-stock,
- Monitor fuel deliveries in terms of delays and quantities
- Monitor generator running times, failures to start,
- Lower the number of the Genset stop/start, and then lower maintenance of the generator,
- Monitor power consumption and delivery
- Build automatic and strong KPIs,
- Provide a client with consumption overview,
- Compare power produced vs consumed power,
- Know remotely who is accessing to your site (maintenance vs. theft intrusions),
- Save operational expenditures.
We provide training in all our areas of operations We understand the importance of a well-supported product. Our maintenance plan provides annual support services and services as listed below. Should you need assistance, fully-qualified support technicians are available to you 365 days a year
Hardware Supply
Hi-Tech Support and Professional team has established relationships with key hardware and software vendors to provide highly competitive prices for all your equipment needs. This can be generic hardware such as laptops, PC’s and Servers or more specialist equipment.
We have good relationship with major OEM for the supplies of;
- computers, servers, mainframes and related computer equipment
- Telecom equipment like Radio and Network Solutions
- Peripherals, like keyboards, scanners, monitors, printers and storage devices
- Switching and connectivity devices, routers, local and wide area networks
- Microelectronic components, like (micro)chips, CPUs and semiconductors